Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where did the month go?

Does anyone else realize that it's less than TWO MONTHS TIL CHRISTMAS???  Where did the month go?  I just can't believe that time is just flying by.  Well that is what happens when you work a "real job" and try to launch a business at the same time.  I just feel a little overwhelmed trying to keep up with all the details of life, and a new business at the same time.  I sometimes wish there were just a few more hours in each day to get things accomplished, like taking pictures of product, sewing more bags, marketing, getting my display done... oh the list goes on forever!  Officially right now my list is 3 pages long...  My mom, bless her heart is here visiting and helping and asked me if I needed to get that whole list accomplished while she was here.  I swear she held her breath when she asked the question!  I think she was very relieved to find out that my list needs to get accomplished over the next month, and not in the next 5 days!

I have so much to share, and I am not sure where to start, so I am just going to blurt out the thing that comes to mind first...

I turned down the wholesale contract at Murdochs.  Sad I know, however with the price they were willing to give me and the cost of the raw materials, I really didn't feel as if I was doing myself any favors.  I may revisit this in the spring once I get some other things in line, I may not.  We will just have to see how it goes...

I got into the Help Center's 33rd Annual Festival of the Arts !!  It's Thanksgiving weekend at the fairgrounds here in Bozeman and I just can't wait!  Well I can, I just hope I am really ready for it by the time it get's here.  I want to have 100 (yes that's 100) booty bags done and maybe 40 or so totebags ready for the show.  I have been planning and scheming on how to get that many done, as well as planning my booth display.  I have some really cool ideas for my booth and I meet tomorrow with my friend Brandi to talk about how to make it all come together!!

I sold  two bags at Capelli's last month, woot woot ;)  I also talked to Nicole at All things Italian today about a possible consignment gig, and got in touch with Sola Cafe about consignment as well. 

I set up a photo shoot with my trusty gal Jenn Claar for my bags :)  I even have a couple of models lined up!  Her daughter Michaela and Anna's daughter Erin are going to graciously model my booty bags and tote bags for my etsy site!  I am so excited, but it's so hard to wait!  Jenn is on a trip to New York right now and won't be home til Saturday so the soonest we can get this accomplished is next week sometime.  I know how important it is to have great photos of your work and I know that Jenn will do an amazing job for me as always.  Honestly the photography is something I have been struggling with for a while now.  It's easy to take pictures of kids, people, animals and scenery, but an inanimate object?  You would think it to be super easy, but when it's the focal point and you know it NEEDS to make a great impression (as opposed to a so so one) it is a little scary in my book!  So I am turning that over to the pro's and letting Jenn handle it!

I do have a couple of photos that I can share.  I took pictures of 7 bags on Friday and honestly, these were the only pics that were good enough to share!  See what I mean?

Well folks, that's all for now...  Got to get back to the sewing machine!

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