Does one ever truly find oneself? I believe that after 43 years of soul searching I finally have. I hope that you will join me on this journey as I discover more about myself and who I am as a creator, designer, artist, a photographer, a wife, a mother, a friend and more. I hope that through this wonderful blog I will emerge as a beautiful butterfly, touching my wings to the sky as I take flight on this crazy adventure called LIFE.
Over the past year I have woven a cocoon around me, protecting me, guarding me as I traveled through the year in a daze. I was truly wandering, no purpose or direction. To be blunt, it was the best and the worst year of my life. With the closure of Sweet Pea Scraps, I took a sabbatical from the internet, no e-mail, no blogging, nothing in my Etsy shops, I totally and completely turned my back on anything and everything related to the world wide web. This allowed me a great deal of time to internalize and analyze my life and it's purpose. Who am I, where am I and most importantly where the heck am I going? For the first time in my life, my health was failing me and I was struggling to come to terms with what that meant to me. I was feeling as if the world had turned against me and I was desparate to get my life figured out. In times of desparation, you often find out what you are truly made of. So I turned inward and started searching for what really, I mean really makes me tick. And what I found was this...
I am a creative person. Life is not the same for me if I am not creating something. I am an eclectic person. I enjoy funky styles, cool fabrics, bold colors, shabby chic and and anything vintage. I LOVE to create. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be a super cute purse from an old pair of jeans, a thank you card, a new recipie in the kitchen or arranging a boquet of flowers. I just love the process of creating, seeing the vision coming to life. Joy happens and my heart soars when I create. I love to putz around in the kitchen, I hardly ever follow a recipie as I sometimes feel following a recipie is too restrictive. It's so much funner to add a bit of this and a bit of that and see how it turns out. I love to read historical romance novels, and anything about vampires, polar opposite huh? I have loved butterflies since I was a little girl and I desperately want a butterfly tattoo on my right shoulder. I am still a work in progress. Random, yes I know, but that makes me eclectic.
And so Eclectique Butterfly is born... Exactly what is Eclectique Butterfly? Watch and see as I emerge from my chrysallis and create myself and share my life and creations with you.
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